Xenonauts Game Review
Xenonauts is a science fiction game, set in the year 1979. It has the strategic Geoscape and top-down base design that players will recognize from other games. Unlike those games, Xenonauts features isometric turn-based combat. While the game's storyline is a little vague, its character is memorable and makes it a must-play for science fiction fans.
While the game is very similar to other space combat games, it features an unusually high level of immersion. There are no scripted missions, which means there is never the same game play out. For instance, there are missions such as capturing a crashed Scout UFO, which is incredibly easy to complete and has a lower sight range than a standard spaceship. There are also a large number of different types of missions that you can take on and complete in the game, such as the Crash Site mission where you must capture a crashed Scout UFO, or even a "perfect replica" of a base.
Xenonauts is a turn-based strategy game where players take control of a multi-national military organization, tasked with protecting Earth from an alien invasion. They command a squad of elite soldiers and engage in turn-based combat. In addition to that, they also collect alien technology and level up their units. The game is also available in free trial version and you can download it for free. It's not a big game, but it will keep you entertained for a while.